dios aprieta pero no ahoga

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dios aprieta pero no ahoga
god tempers the wind to the shorn lamb
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Phonetic: "/ɡɔd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A being such as a monotheistic God: a single divine creator and ruler of the universe.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɔd/"

Part Of Speech: proper noun

Definition: The single deity of various monotheistic religions, especially the deity of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Example: Dawn believes in God, but Willow believes in multiple gods and goddesses.

Definition: The single male deity of various bitheistic or duotheistic religions.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɔd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A deity or supreme being; a supernatural, typically immortal, being with superior powers, to which personhood is attributed.

Example: The most frequently used name for the Islamic god is Allah.

Definition: An idol.

Example: Leo Messi is my god!

Definition: A person in a high position of authority, importance or influence.

Definition: A powerful ruler or tyrant.

Definition: An exceedingly handsome man.

Example: Lounging on the beach were several Greek gods.

Definition: The person who owns and runs a multi-user dungeon.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɔd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To idolize.

Definition: To deify.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A tendency to be in a certain type of mood; a habitual way of thinking, behaving or reacting.

Example: to have a good, bad, or calm temper

Definition: State of mind; mood.

Definition: A tendency to become angry.

Example: He has quite a temper when dealing with salespeople.

Definition: Anger; a fit of anger.

Example: an outburst of temper

Definition: Calmness of mind; moderation; equanimity; composure.

Example: to keep one's temper; to lose one's temper; to recover one's temper

Definition: Constitution of body; the mixture or relative proportion of the four humours: blood, choler, phlegm, and melancholy.

Definition: Middle state or course; mean; medium.

Definition: The state of any compound substance which results from the mixture of various ingredients; due mixture of different qualities.

Example: the temper of mortar

Definition: The heat treatment to which a metal or other material has been subjected; a material that has undergone a particular heat treatment.

Definition: The state of a metal or other substance, especially as to its hardness, produced by some process of heating or cooling.

Example: the temper of iron or steel

Definition: (sugar manufacture) Milk of lime, or other substance, employed in the process formerly used to clarify sugar.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To moderate or control.

Example: Temper your language around children.

Definition: To strengthen or toughen a material, especially metal, by heat treatment; anneal.

Example: Tempering is a heat treatment technique applied to metals, alloys, and glass to achieve greater toughness by increasing the strength of materials and/or ductility. Tempering is performed by a controlled reheating of the work piece to a temperature below its lower eutectic critical temperature.

Definition: To sauté spices in ghee or oil to release essential oils for flavouring a dish in South Asian cuisine.

Definition: To mix clay, plaster or mortar with water to obtain the proper consistency.

Definition: To adjust, as the mathematical scale to the actual scale, or to that in actual use.

Definition: (Latinism) To govern; to manage.

Definition: To combine in due proportions; to constitute; to compose.

Definition: To mingle in due proportion; to prepare by combining; to modify, as by adding some new element; to qualify, as by an ingredient; hence, to soften; to mollify; to assuage.

Definition: To fit together; to adjust; to accommodate.

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Phonetic: "/ˈwaɪnd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Real or perceived movement of atmospheric air usually caused by convection or differences in air pressure.

Example: As they accelerated onto the motorway, the wind tore the plywood off the car's roof-rack.

Definition: Air artificially put in motion by any force or action.

Example: the wind of a cannon ball;  the wind of a bellows

Definition: The ability to breathe easily.

Example: After the second lap he was already out of wind.

Definition: News of an event, especially by hearsay or gossip. (Used with catch, often in the past tense.)

Example: Steve caught wind of Martha's dalliance with his best friend.

Definition: One of the five basic elements in Indian and Japanese models of the Classical elements).

Definition: Flatus.

Example: Eww. Someone just passed wind.

Definition: Breath modulated by the respiratory and vocal organs, or by an instrument.

Definition: The woodwind section of an orchestra. Occasionally also used to include the brass section.

Definition: A direction from which the wind may blow; a point of the compass; especially, one of the cardinal points, which are often called the "four winds".

Definition: Types of playing-tile in the game of mah-jongg, named after the four winds.

Definition: A disease of sheep, in which the intestines are distended with air, or rather affected with a violent inflammation. It occurs immediately after shearing.

Definition: Mere breath or talk; empty effort; idle words.

Definition: A bird, the dotterel.

Definition: The region of the solar plexus, where a blow may paralyze the diaphragm and cause temporary loss of breath or other injury.

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Phonetic: "/ˈwaɪnd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To blow air through a wind instrument or horn to make a sound.

Definition: To cause (someone) to become breathless, as by a blow to the abdomen, or by physical exertion, running, etc.

Example: The boxer was winded during round two.

Definition: To cause a baby to bring up wind by patting its back after being fed.

Definition: To turn a boat or ship around, so that the wind strikes it on the opposite side.

Definition: To expose to the wind; to winnow; to ventilate.

Definition: To perceive or follow by scent.

Example: The hounds winded the game.

Definition: To rest (a horse, etc.) in order to allow the breath to be recovered; to breathe.

Definition: To turn a windmill so that its sails face into the wind.

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Toward a closed, touching or engaging position.

Example: Please push the door to.

Definition: Into the wind.

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at.

Example: We are walking to the shop.

Definition: Used to indicate the target or recipient of an action.

Example: He devoted himself to education.

Definition: Used to indicate result of action.

Example: His face was beaten to a pulp.

Definition: Used to indicate a resulting feeling or emotion.

Example: To everyone's great relief, the tuneless carol singers finally ceased their warbling.

Definition: Used after an adjective to indicate its application.

Example: similar to ..., relevant to ..., pertinent to ..., I was nice to him, he was cruel to her, I am used to walking.

Definition: Denotes the end of a range.

Example: It takes 2 to 4 weeks to process typical applications.

Definition: As a.

Example: With God to friend (with God as a friend);   with The Devil to fiend (with the Devil as a foe);   lambs slaughtered to lake (lambs slaughtered as a sacrifice);   took her to wife (took her as a wife);   was sold to slave (was sold as a slave).

Definition: Used to indicate a ratio or comparison.

Example: I have ten dollars to your four.

Definition: Used to indicate that the preceding term is to be raised to the power of the following value; indicates exponentiation.

Example: Three squared or three to the second power is nine.

Definition: (time) Preceding.

Example: ten to ten = 9:50; We're going to leave at ten to (the hour).

Definition: Used to describe what something consists of or contains.

Example: Anyone could do this job; there's nothing to it.

Definition: At.

Example: Stay where you're to and I'll come find you, b'y.

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Phonetic: "/ʃɔːn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To cut, originally with a sword or other bladed weapon, now usually with shears, or as if using shears.

Definition: To remove the fleece from a sheep etc by clipping.

Definition: To deform because of forces pushing in opposite directions.

Definition: To transform by displacing every point in a direction parallel to some given line by a distance proportional to the point’s distance from the line.

Definition: To make a vertical cut in the coal.

Definition: To reap, as grain.

Definition: To deprive of property; to fleece.

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Phonetic: "/læm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A young sheep.

Definition: The flesh of a lamb or sheep used as food.

Definition: A person who is meek, docile and easily led.

Definition: A simple, unsophisticated person.

Definition: One who ignorantly speculates on the stock exchange and is victimized.

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Phonetic: "/læm/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: Of a sheep, to give birth.

Definition: To assist (sheep) to give birth.

Example: The shepherd was up all night, lambing her young ewes.

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